Nouvelles soeurs

Our Ministry of Prayer and Creative Work

Life is God’s call to being. There stands between the One who calls and the one being called an invitation to relationship. The Contemplative Life is an acceptance of this invitation through the ministry of prayer. When we engage in prayer we allow God to be God, to be present and work in us. Thus our ministry is really working to bring God into the picture, of our personal lives, the lives of our loved ones, as well as that of the whole created world. If we remain faithful in this relationship, we become aware of our brokenness and limitations and of God’s creative/transformative presence and loving forgiveness.

We unlearn being independent and in control, being sufficient of ourselves; we unlearn being fearful, being proud and lording it over others. We learn how to ‘walk humbly with God’ (Micah 6:8) as did Jesus. We learn to depend on God and that without God we can do nothing; that God is enough for us and with us always; and that God is God and we are all God’s creatures. Being transformed in our minds and hearts we would be like new candles giving out light – the Light of Christ and the joy of Life who is Jesus God.

Sr. Mary Sonia skillfully crafts candles.

~ Sr. Mary Sonia, Contemplative, 2nd Year Novice: Connecticut



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