Reflexiones Semanales

February 1 , 2008

Dear Good Shepherd Friends,

We conclude this month’s reflection on “Spiritual Direction.”

In our personal prayer as well as in our sharing with a spiritual director, “We can only pray from our actual feelings, coming to prayer from that honest fundamental desire, which leaves us open to an unpredictable outcome. Praying with this kind of emotional congruence gives us freedom. We can pray out of our anger, our weariness, our discouragement, our fear, our loss, our joy, etc. We express those feelings in prayer to their conclusion until we’re tired of them however long that may take. When we’re finished, we wait for a response. Gradually, we discover changes in us. A Gospel passage discloses a new possibility. God touches us through another. A long walk by the ocean crying or shouting calms us and we are now open to influence.”

Spiritual Direction, Beyond the Beginnings, by Sr. Janet Ruffing, RSM, © 2000, Paulist Press, Mahway, New Jersey

The process of spiritual direction is always to help us discover God’s presence in our lives in our everyday experiences and feelings.

In the heart of our Shepherd, God,
Sr. Debbie ~ [email protected]







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